It's been a few weeks. I know.
A lot has been going on around here. I'm now down to 19 days until the end of the school year.
I'm tired and stressed. And have a few hundred papers to grade and enter. Two books two finish teaching.
It's all insane really.
But - I'm going to be crafting up a storm this summer. I am interested in investing in a cheap but reliable sewing machine. My Gramma has two amazing machines that she payed big bucks for in the 80's when she was making wonderful dresses for me as a petite little girl. I go over to her house for bigger projects - like when I made some friends aprons for Christmas. But an old friend of mine Tasha over at Creation Corner has so many amazing little projects that I think I could tackle if I had my own little machine.
But who am I kidding. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Gram, and use her sewing machines. Which she says are the equivalent of Cadillacs in the sewing world.
All I know is - I need to get to June 8th.