Last night we went to Ross and TJMax for fun. Yes! If this is to exciting for you please by all means take a moment to collect yourself.
So After our adventures in getting cookie sheets for 10$ and a new belt for him we decide that it's time for some nourishment.
This is how the conversation goes almost every time we have to pick a place to eat.
Me: What would you like to eat - I'm up for anything
Hub: I would enjoy anything - you pick
Me: You always make me pick - and You don't like what I want
Hub: What's that?
Me: Sushi .......or......ummmm Pancakes*
Hub: What ??? - woman you are so strange just pick something normal
Me: See I told you that you wouldn't like it - you pick
*Last night it was Sushi or Pancakes - sometimes it's not that random
So we head our little Honda over to the amazing In-and-Out ... MMMM Animal Style!
And on the way back with our bag of gold this is the conversation that takes place.
Hub: You know what would be awesome, If Jason Mraz was to be walking down the beach and get uppercut-ted in the jaw
Me: What!
Hub: Yeah - I feel like that would be awesome. Think about it - it would be even better if it happened on a beach - He's walking along and he just gets an uppercut to the jaw
Me: Why is this so funny! (I was kinda laughing my butt of at this point)
Hub: You know what would be even better - if as he's getting the uppercut to the jaw he falls back into some little kids birthday cake** - but the kid doesn't start crying because as he blew out the candles that's what he wished for.
Me: What do you have against Jason Mraz? *please note: I'm almost crying from laughter*
Hub: Look at the guy - he goes walking around in a hat most people can get for 10$ at target but he spends an ungodly amount on it at some swanky store. The guy deserves and uppercut.

So Jason Mraz - If you happen to see my tall Aussie hubby walking around on the beach - just turn your little butt around and head in the opposite direction. Especially if you see a little kid about to blow out his birthday candles.
**In my logical mind I'm thinking - That would never happen, no mother in her right mind is going to bring a birthday cake to the beach. Think of the sand that would get all over it. gross.
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