Sunday, August 22, 2010


Good Friends - Our dog Tonka is a bit of a wild woman. She got bored one day about three months ago and ripped the wires out of our air conditioning unit. At the time it wasn't hot. And we were saving for our trip to Australia. Then we were gone for a month. And now it's H.O.T. hot - the southern California summer is very much alive and well. The current forecast for the week is 100+.

Our friends Dave and Nicole are very handy - Dave offered to come over and help Bren fix the air conditioning. We were overjoyed! Nicole and I went out to get some yummy lunch and when we got back - the house was a bit cooler. It is awesome. I'm so very thankful for wonderful friends who give of themselves so willingly.

Now I just have to remind myself of the bill that will go up now that we can stay nice and cool.

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