An ode to the man i love:
B - bad breath in the morning but i love the way you always seem to steal a kiss
R - random phone calls just to say that you love me and are making sure i'm okay
E - everyday i see your face i fall more in love with you - especially when your eyes smile
N - never a day goes by that we don't have at least one GREAT hug
D - doesn't ever take himself too seriously - which i love
O - over my heels crazy insane in love with you
N - not one to ever miss a joke - you make me laugh so hard i have cried and maybe peed my pants a little
My husband and i have been together for 9 years - but only in person for the last 5. this love affair of mine is very important to me. the other day my friend Suzanne was talking to me about a conversation she was having with other friends. and how relationships and marriage is very different in 2009 - she was having trouble seeing how some of these 19 year olds get married and then divorced a year or so later because it was just "too hard".
then she gave me a great complement. she said that she saw brendon and i as an example of how a young marriage can work. it made me smile a very heart happy smile. Brendon and i have gone through quiet a bit (to say the least) to get to this point. and so now everyday i cherish the gift of marriage with this funny valentine of mine.
For the day of feb 14th we did a few things around the house. i planted some bulbs that i got from my grandma's house. bren mowed the lawn. we put the wonderful costco lasagna in the oven and watched a movie on the couch. it was a lazy day around the house. but i love a good cuddle on the couch.
overall a wonderful day with a wonderful hubby!
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