has a way of opening peoples minds. This is the door to my classroom. This is the door that opens up the books of years past. This is the door that children beg to get into. This is the change that I wish to be in the world.
We have a teacher on campus that has this awesome machine that cuts out stickers of whatever you want it too. So I spent 10$ and got this quote. I thought about which one I would pick for a very long time. I wanted it to be something that I would see everyday and be glad. I wanted it to remind me of what I am doing and why I do it. There is something special that happens in room M114 and sometimes I can't really put my finger on it. - I have wanted to teach for a very long time - 4th or 5th grade is when I really knew it would be my path in life. And so when I got hired on as a 10th and 11th grade english teacher four years ago my dream came true.
I will never forget the very first day of school. I remember thinking "oh wow they are really letting me do this on my own." I remember fixing up my classroom and making sure that all of the goodies that I wanted to be in the right place were just so. And then the kiddos made their way into the room. I have learned a lot over my short 4 years of teaching - much of this coming from the 15, 16, and 17 year olds. My greatest hope is that they gleam something from me. I know that I cover the standards (and well I might add - my state test scores are always above the average) but i want to teach them to be better people once they walk out this door.
Having the ability to work with young people keeps my mind sharp. And it keeps me laughing.
As I enjoy this lovely 4 day weekend I am thankful that early on Tuesday morning I'll be able to walk through a door that reminds me to make a change in this world. Even if it's a small one.
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