Sunday, October 10, 2010

Problem Solving

Here was a Dad's solution to his kids water bottle exploding in a backpack.

The student was worried that their book would not dry in time for me to grade their annotations. So freaking out - the kid asked their dad what to do. The dad suggested that they put it in the microwave. Well the sticker, that the book store put in to make sure no one steals the book, was still attached to the inside cover. That sticker has metal in it. So when they put it in and turned it on the book set on fire.

Mom was not home at the time of this event.

-happy ending - The student did get full credit for their work. They had awesome annotations.


Dorry said...

ha! oh boy. leave guys by themselves and they do the weirdest things lol.

Candice said...

They should keep that book and keep it for decoration, lol. It's pretty thrashed.

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