Thursday, May 13, 2010


While teaching Night I am also teaching a small writing unit. Personal Narratives are so fun to read after the kids are all done.

I use Freedom Writers as a jumping off point. Today the theme that my students were writing about was Heroes. What it means to be one - who their heroes are.

We went around the room after they were done writing and discussed who their heroes are. It is so amazing to hear a group of 15/16 year olds discuss who they want to be like when they grow up.

One student spoke about her grandfather and that he was just so kind, and loving. She got a little choked up when she let us know that he passes away two years ago. In this room full of wild teenagers they all felt a moment of connection with one another. They did not make fun of this girl because she was sad - they comforted her.

As much as these kids talk about their own heroes. There are so many days when my students are my heroes. They teach me so much and they don't even know it.

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